Week of 15/9/2023

Project Work:

  • Onboarding Lab 1: Completed Lab 1

  • [Developement Environment setup]: set up required environment

This week I go through the Introduction of NYU Processor Design, create repo and install required tools. Complete the Onboarding Lab1.

Week of 22/9/2023

Project Work:

This week I finished Lab 2.

Week of 30/9/2023

Project Work:

This week I stuck on Lab 3. Can’t figured out how to determine whether the output is right and confused of uint8_t logic.

Week of 5/10/2023

Project Work:

This week I finished Lab3. Working on Lab4.

Week of 14/11/2023

Project Work:

Finally work out Lab 4! for the past weeks:

  1. vcpkg does not download nyu-cmake automatically. (I thought it should). git clone and place it in Lab4 folder, set(nyu-cmake_DIR /nyu-cmake)
  2. fix the ex3 and ex4 in dv
  3. figure out code “cmake -DNYU_BUILD_TESTS=TRUE .. ctest –output-on-failure .” is missing “make”.

Week of 28/11/2023

Get in touch with the core leader. Started reading the The RISC-V Instruction Set Manual and look at the Documentation.

Week of 7/12/2023

Working on con_branching_control

Week of 14/12/2023

Working on con_branching_control