Noah Mays-Smith’s Design Notebook

Week One:

Created first design notebook

Week Three: (Forgot Week 2 I Think Oops)

Project Work: Met with my group, Hongtai, Srijan, and Ben, and planned to meet once a week on Tuesdays to check in and assign work. This week we agreed to meet at the same time each week, found a resource,, to learn more about creating testbenches. Next week we’re planning on assigning parts of the processor to work in in groups of 2.

Week Four:

Met and discussed project at the Thursday meeting. Project Work: Over the last week I focused on relearning more verilog and teaching myself how to write better tesstbenches. Met with our group on Thusday, and reorganized from two smaller groups to one group, as Srijan was able to get most of the work done himself, so the rest of us will work on it together, asking for his help when we get stuck. We plan to each have a component of the processor done by Tuesday. I am going to be doing the data memory.

Week Five:

Project work: Completed the data memory and chose to start working on the instruction memory next. I’m not sure how much work I’ll be able to do before Tuesday at our next small group meeting because I have a lot of work due early next week, but I’m going to try to get it done by Thursday. Link for our RIsC-16 project repo: