Darren’s Design Notebook

Week of February 2nd, 2024

Project Work

  • Created Design notebook for Spring 2024


This was a good refesher of how to use git, and work with repos, and forks. Also had to spend some time getting WSL to run again after running into issues with Hyper-V on my system.

Week of February 9th, 2024

Project Work

  • Completed Onboarding Lab 1


  • When working on the forked repository I need to remember to create a branch first.
  • Asked Vito for some basic help with fixing the mistake of not making a branch first as well as fixing a Cmake issue in Lab 1.
  • Rishyak helped with locating a compiler issue which was just needing to install gcc/g++

Week of February 16th, 2024

Project Work

  • Completed Exercise 1 and 2 of Onboarding Lab 2


  • Worked on during weekly meeting with help of Vito
  • Ran into some cmakelists.txt issues
  • Refreshed a little on Verilog assign statments

Week of February 23rd, 2024

Project Work


  • Worked with Rishyak on Exercises 3 and 4
  • Refresh on Verliog always and comb blocks
  • Asked Vito for help on some git and some cmake issues.

Week of March 1st, 2024

Project Work

  • Started Lab 3 Exercise 1


  • Asked Vito during weekly meeting about how to start writing a test for Module 1 which tested simple logic
  • Ran into some issues with the for loop inside of the test
  • Will make neater for loops in the future, or avoid them when possible

Week of March 8th, 2024

Project Work

  • Continued Lab 3 Exercise 1


  • After getting the for loops to run, there were still comparison errors with the logic of the tests
  • Troubleshooting with Vito resulted in some variable declaration issues in C++
  • This took way too long

Week of March 15th, 2024

Project Work


  • Commit above includes Exercise 2, I need to get in the habit of commiting more often
  • Even though these labs are primarily done locally, commiting more often would allow for ease of work from multiple locations

Week of March 29th

Project Work

  • Started Lab 3 Exercise 2
    • Same commit as from the previous week due to my git incompetence


  • Vito gave me a quick lesson on how to get the value of a bit by shifting it and then “anding” it
    • uint16_t val = (model.out >> 0) & 1;
  • Learned how to test a register without going through every possible value, rather by testing each bit of the register
  • While test is running and passing, the test could be more comprehensive

Week of April 5th

Project Work


  • Just needed to fill out the ReadMe for Lab 2
  • While Lab 3 is still unfinished, I was able to answer part of the ReadME and thought I would update it alongside Lab 2

Week of April 12th

Project Work

  • Research into what OpenRAM is
  • Went through the Git Repo for OpenRAM
  • Watched a video on a presentation on OpenRAM


  • I never quite understood what I was looking at, other than that OpenRAM is a memory compilier, and can produce a file for SPICE simulators to use
  • Stumbled upon a Cornell Grad Git page on OpenRAM simulation, showed me what OpenRAM can generate, which was quite interesting

Week of April 19th

Project Work

  • Look at the AMBA repo for the AHB Doc
  • Looked at some of the registers/databus information, got confused, and read some more
  • Understood that the Memory communicates with the AHB subordinate

Week of April 26th

Project Work

  • View End of Semester Presentations
  • Work on my on presentation


  • Michael’s presenation was very informative, taught me more about the VIP and the Core team

Week of May 3rd

Project Work

  • End of Semester Presentation
  • Brief discussion with Vito about memory, and how it communicates with the AHB using Generic


  • This semester has been significantly more eventful than the last, I learned more this semester
    • Actually asking for help is good
    • I learned Verilog, Digital Logic really did not teach me much
    • While taking a Class in C this semester, it has helped me understand more of C++
    • Writing simple verification tests in C++
  • Great time at the meetings with help on the labs and just great people to talk to all around
  • Looking forward to next semester when I embark on my memory journey