Cameron Bedard Design Notebook Spring 2025

01/27 - 01/31
  • Resaerched a new intro project for new members.
02/03 - 02/07
  • Looked through the old onboarding labs to see what makes sense to team new people.
02/10 - 02/14
  • Researched the current methods for people to onboard and get their development environment setup.
  • Studied the old Core verilog.
02/17 - 02/21
  • Made a presentation and presented on HDLs
02/24 - 02/28
  • Helped new memebrs with setting up their development environments.
03/03 - 03/07
  • Looked through a solution to the intro coding project.
03/10 - 03/14
  • Researched what makes sense for a template for the intro coding project.
03/17 - 03/21
  • Researched a means of a new onboard training labs.