- Reviewed Core Team Documentaion. Brainstormed ways to make it more beginner friendly.
- Met with Xingzhi on Core Team objectives for the semester and plan to enroll new members to the team.
- Studied the past outlines of the interconnection modules.
- Began to understand the outstanding outlines for the interconnection modules.
- Worked on documentation for the General Control Module. Backtracking through the documentation studying origin of design decisions.
- Worked with Michael on understanding implementatnion details.
- Identified mistakes in the outlines whcih caused mistakes in the implementation.
- Updating the General Control Modules outline and implementaion and doublechecking design logic.
- Continued studying old design documentation to troubleshoot the errors in documentaiton.
- Began working with Xingzhi on potentuially changing the VIP structure.
- Worked with James Xie on a plan for a new docus for the VIP.
- Worked on material, roadmap, and tasks for a new focus for the VIP.
- Researched OpenRoad ASIC design
- Researched eFabless ASIC pritning
- Researched TinyTapeout ASIC printing
- Made a rough plan for redesigning the VIP labs and got feedback from peers.
- Worked on my presentation to the group on redesinigng the VIP.
- Finals.