Useful Extensions for VSCode

VSCode has many extensions and tools that may be helpful in the development process for the NYU Processor Design team. This guide is a compilation of recommended VSCode extensions. Most installation instructions can be found in the associated links.


SystemVerilog Language Server

SVLangserver is a language server for System Verilog that features auto-completion, module hierarchy, code snippets for common blocks, code formatting, syntax highlighting, and more.

To install, find svlangserver in the VSCode marketplace. You can modify your extension settings to your desired preferences as detailed in the link above. The extension’s commands and troubleshooting can also be found in the link.

C++ Pack

This extension pack has 4 sets of popular extensions:

Doxygen Generator

Doxygen is a documentation generator that extracts documentation from C++ source code comments. This Doxygen comment generator creates Doxygen comments for a variety of code snippets: constructors, functions, file descriptions, etc.

Better Comments

Better Comments helps to create more understandable, categorizable comments for your code, and works with C++ and Verilog.

Spell Checker

This Code Spell Checker does exactly that: it is a basic spell check that can be customized and has a variety of add-on language dictionaries.

Git & GitHub


GitLens is a customizable extension that includes a wide variety of features such as a Git command palette, and detailed commit, repo, and branch histories. Full details can be found in the link above.

Note: This is a highly recommended extension, and the Pro version is free with GitHub’s Student Developer Pack.

GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions lets users manage workflows and view workflow history for hosted repositories.

GitHub Pull Requests

The GitHub Pull Requests and Issues extensions lets you review and manage GitHub PRs and issues directly in VSCode.

Markdown All in One

Markdown All in One is a collection of Markdown commands and features like keyboard shortcuts, math, table of contents, etc.

Optional Bonuses


ColdCode is used to take screenshots of your code with various configuration options (show line numbers, titles, etc).

Makefile Tools

Makefile Tools provides IntelliSense configurations to the C/C++ Extension for Makefile projects. It also has commands to build, debug, and run targets.

GitHub Style Markdown Preview

This extension lets you preview Markdown files using GitHub’s styling, and is customizable with GitHub’s various themes.


Marp is used to create slide decks in Marp Markdown directly in VSCode. (For our Google Slides haters and VSCode lovers, we got you.)


Rewrap performs hard wrapping for comment blocks and any kind of plain text files.