Design Notebook for Kevin Guo (2024 Spring)

Week of 6 Feburary 2024

Project Work:

  • [Design Notebook]: Design Notebook created

I learned commands in git and created my own design notebook and did my first pull request.

I should use git to commit changes instead of creating new files on github. This is not enough for most of the projects I am going to do in the team. I also put the notebook in wrong position. However, rishyak fixed them for me.

Week of 13 Feburary 2024

Project Work:

I had trouble downloading Brew but eventually I got it from its website. I also download the github desktop, it’s very conviniennt. I had trouble building the program because I did not save it. But everything worked out fine after I figure those small things out.

Week of 20 Feburary 2024

Project Work:

I encounter two main problems. In buillding the test, I kept getting the error that system cannot find the path for Mystery 1 and 2. But then I realize not writting any include’ statement solve the problem. So the path is initially set up for us.

Another problem is that I cannot run the test. James and Vito helped me updated my brew and downloaded Verilator, then everything worked out.

Week of 1 March 2024

Project Work:

I encounter problem for implementing catch2. All acutal testcase has to be ran inside test_case special function. Now I am still fixing test cases problem and refining my code. Will finish after midterm.

Week of 14 March 2024

Project Work:

I kept getting 0 for my model.out command in excercise 3 dv. Vito help me figured it out that for negative edge clk trigger, I need to set clock to 1 then eval, then back to 0 and eval again to simulate this. James also helped me out with an interesting bug. For exercise 3, out has to be set using reset, or it will always be 0. So to test out, I have to write it with reset.

Week of 21 March 2024

Project Work:

I spent hours of debugging, it seems like my exercise 3 does not do a correct wrap around. The expected output is always off by 1 step. James pointed out for me that the problem is that in my step function, I should set count =0, just like in reset. This problem occur again as it bothers me a lot in exercise 2. Since c++ will just set a initialized value to 1.

Week of 7 April 2024

  • Project Work: Working together with the core team. Learning instruction cached verification. Trying to build L1 verification.

We are trying to mimick the previous cache verification process. We also want to simulate memory to cache write back activity.

Week of 14 April 2024

Project Work:

I encounterd one problem that verilator is not in used. Vito helped me fixed this by going into setting.json and manually set NYU_BUILD_TESTS to true. I can do it in terminal but I did it wrong.